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Joomla! is a Content Management System (CMS) software to handle a web site. The web site itself is stored as files in a file catalog, and in a data base. Joomla! is the software to create, update, administrate etc the entire web site - so normally no need to go into the file catalog or data base. This basic architecture is common for many web sites. 

Today I have updated this web site to Joomla 3.9.4 release, from the previous 3.9.3. The update process went well without any issue, and I have not seen any issue with the new release. This was a relatively small release with focus on security and bug fixes. 

The most common CMS software for web sites today is by far Wordpress. In the statistics I have seen, Joomla comes then far beyond, with Drupal on third place. 

I converted this web site to Joomla a couple of years ago, from a static html file site. When I am thinking back, why did I choose Joomla? I was mainly considering Wordpress and Drupal, beside Joomla. I was using Drupal already professionally, but only as a lower level administrator. I did not fully like to work with Drupal, but it could well be related to the specific implementation, and that I had so limited access. I also thought it would be nice to try something else. Wordpress was already then very popular. But it was more focused on blogs, and I wanted a CMS that was better designed for any and more advanced web sites, which I get the understanding Joomla had. Furthermore, Joomla is to my understanding the most independent and volontary built of all those Open source CMS's, which also attracted me. I have not regretted I selected Joomla! 

Even if this, and most updates, works without any issue, this is a good scheme for update: 

  1. Backup (and preferable download a local copy/somewhere else)
  2. Read release notes of Extensions to update (especially to understand if there can be any compatibility issue)
  3. Install Extension by extension
  4. Check if web site seems to be working normally
  5. Backup again
  6. Read release notes of the new Joomla release (including system requirements etc)
  7. Install the new Joomla release
  8. Is the "favicon" needed to re-install? If your template is Joomla-origin (not saved under new name), the Joomla-installation likely puts back the Joomla favicon. To put back your own facicon, you simply go the file manager of your web host
  9. Browse around the web site and check it works normal (especially features which release notes talks about)
  10. Read any "After installation messages" in the control panel
  11. Consider actions directly of those messages, especially security relatedor save to later
  12. Consider how I can take advantage of the new features in the new Joomla release (and in the extensions)

What is your thought about different CMS or other methods for web site? What do you use?

Do you want to try out Joomla yourself? Then I can recommend this free trial service! You can use it for trial purpose, but you can also keep it and use it as a real web site - free or paid versions. Try Joomla at!

Henrik Hemrin

16 March 2019

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